Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Come What May and LOVE It

Life is so full of surprises. In fact, life is so FULL. I had never really stepped back and realized how much there is in life. You've got school, work, some people have more than one job, internships, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, religion, extra projects, family...the list goes on and on. Its a miracle how we all seem to fit everything into our already busy lives. And also how we have motivation to do it all. But then when one of these things falls apart our world suddenly feels like it is crashing down. Then we have no motivation to do any of it. One thing. Just one thing can bring us down and feel like we have nothing left. Somehow that just doesn't seem right. Just because something doesn't turn out the way we want it to or we get fired or whatever the case is, that shouldn't have an affect on the rest of our lives. I mean, sure it can have a affect, but we don't have to let it completely turn our life upside down. Sometimes we feel like being a 'frump' in our room and not doing a single thing. But that is exactly when we need to do something. That is when we need to have faith in our future. President Thomas S. Monson once said, "Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith." The future is as bright as WE make it. It's our choice whether we drown in our sorrows or do something about it. It's all on us and how we react to a situation. I know it's easier to say than do, but I have experienced it in my life and have a great testimony that it is true. Everyone has their own trials, whether they be big or small, everyone has them. It's a part of this life that cannot be avoided. But it is in those moments of trials that we find out who we really are, and what we really want. It's in those moments when we have to just love it. No matter how bad it is, we just have to love it. And know that we will become strong because of it. We have to have faith. Without faith we are nothing. Life is nothing. Those who love every moment of life, whether it be good or bad, will become truly great. We have to learn to love every moment, for one reason or another. As Joseph B. Wirthlin said, "Come what may, and love it."
A dear  friend of mine showed me this video when I was going through a hard time. Changed my complete outlook on the trial and my life. 


I was having a conversation with a great friend the other day and it really opened my eyes to a lot of things. When we were talking he brought up a very valid point. He said that often when we go through a hard time our focus turns inward. We think, 'What am I going to do? How am I going to handle this?' All of our thoughts are about ourselves. But it is in that moment and time of hardship that our thoughts need to be directed outward. That is when we need to be thinking 'Who needs me right now? Who can I serve today? Who is having a hard time?' It is through serving others that we can get through our trials and have joy. It is when we put others first that we will find true joy. And also when the Lord speaks to us the most, at least in my life. I know my prayers get answered when I am serving others and not thinking about myself. I am so grateful for everything and everyone I have been blessed with in my life. There is no reason to be unhappy. Life is too great. And if we are frumps in our rooms we will never get to experience life's greatest blessings. I don't know about you, but I want to experience EVERY blessing that the Lord has in store for me.