Monday, July 7, 2014

Jaz's Birth Part 2

Those couple days in the hospital were so fun and so tiring. Never have I been so happy to get up 3-4 times every night! She is a sleeper, that's all she wanted to do! When I had to feed her during the night, it took us like 15 minutes to get her awake enough to eat. And we had to keep all the lights on and keep wiggling her to keep her awake. Poor Wes was still in school and didn't get much sleep while at the hospital! Jazlyn did awesome breastfeeding and ate like a champ. Her first night her blood sugar was low so they made us give her formula...which she ended up throwing up! It scared me half to death because she started chocking on it, but thank goodness my mom was there to help. My family was there during the day to help out while Wes was at work and school... he didn't want me to be alone and my family wasn't complaining about spending time with Jazlyn :) Jazlyn was so perfect those days in the hospital! She ate a ton, slept a ton, and rarely made a peep. I loved being taken care of too, to have all my meals brought to me was probably my favorite. The night after my c-section I got up for my first walk, I needed some help but it felt great to get out of bed! We made that our morning and night routine while there, to go on walks down the hallways with Jazlyn. And one of our friends ended up giving birth the day before me just down the hall, so it was fun to go see her and her little girl! We loved our delivery nurse, but weren't too big of fans of all our recovery nurses. They yelled at me for bringing my own tylenol and getting up out of bed so much. But it really helped my recovery go faster. We got released after 3 days, a day earlier than the doctors wanted, but they finally gave in and let us go home. The day we were released I had to get the staples taken out of my incision, I freaked out but I was still so numb that I didn't feel a thing. And then as we were putting Jazlyn in her car seat she started screaming bloody murder and we couldn't figure out how to loosen the about embarrassing. I was in tears and Wes was about to freak out. It was stressful to say the least when a nurse is standing there watching your every move, making you feel like you don't know what you are doing. But finally we were in our car and pulling away to take our daughter home. She slept the whole car ride. When we got home Wes had a meeting to go to but he made me go take a nap and rest after our crazy morning and my mom showed up to take care of Jaz. Next thing I know it was hours later and my whole family (siblings, parents, grandparents) were there, including some of Wes' family too. I can't believe I slept for so long with all that noise. The next week went by so fast. It was so fun to have family over every day and to have so much help. I don't think I changed one diaper or burped her while they all were there. And I had a lot of help with me too, since there was still a lot of things I couldn't do quite yet after my surgery. My mother cooked every meal, made sure I got my rest, took my pain meds, brought me stuff while I was feeding, and on top of that all she deep cleaned our whole house. It was amazing and such a blessing! It helped me out and Wes. Since he had school and work it made him feel a lot better than Jaz and I were taken care of. I couldn't thank my mom and family enough! It was so much fun to wake up and watch Say yes to the Dress with my little sister, even if it was like 6:30 in the morning! It was also a relief to have them there cuz I wasn't cleared to drive with all the meds I was on and Jaz had to have her foot pricked every day for Jaundice. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I thought and she only had to use the Billy Blanket one day. But it was still pretty sad. After my mom left it was hard. I held in the tears but when she walked out the door I had a major meltdown. I think it was the fact that I was going to be alone during the day with Jazlyn and be on my own. And I just love my mom and love when my family visits. But Wes was very sympathetic and helped out a ton, whenever he would get home at night he would do whatever he could and during the night feedings he would help a ton too. There was even a couple nights that she wouldnt sleep at all that he made me go back to sleep and he took care of her for a couple hours. It's the best sight to see your baby cuddling your husband and they are both sound asleep. It was almost like we would do shift work some nights...he'd stay up with her for a few hours then we'd switch and I'd take her and so on. I don't think I've been without sleep for so long! It's funny that when you're that tired how you can sleep in just about any position anywhere in the house. And it's funny the things you'll say to your child to make them sleep. I remember promising her things if she'd sleep and begging her, crying with her, praying....whatever would make her go to sleep and stay asleep! After I finally caught up on some sleep after a couple weeks, I let Wes sleep at night and I would stay up with Jazlyn. We'd spend our nights rocking in my big comfy leather lazy boy recliner/rocker, watching netflix or just staring at each other. It was so nice to have some bonding time with her but I missed going to bed at the same time with my husband and waking up at the same time! He would go to bed and Jaz and I would just be starting our night, I'd finally get her to sleep around 1 or 2. Then Jaz would be up again at 5 and I'd feed her and have her back in bed around 6 and go back to bed, just when wes was waking up! We'd sleep til about 10 or so then start our day. Mostly we would just sit in the recliner and eat and sleep and hangout watching survivor or army wives. Honestly, I miss those days! They were simple, lazy, wonderful days. Jaz will now sit with me for a little bit, but won't really cuddle or sit still for very long. The newborn days were the hardest, most stressful, tiredest days but the were the best!! I miss them, but I love how active she is now.

Smiled: 1 month old
Rolled over: June 22
Laughed: June 16

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